For All Druggies: I Had A Terrible Trip

Okay I was skipping 4th hour and decided that I would go over Rodney's (my friend's boyfriend) And get high. Well I go over there and Jon some other guy was there and well...I got high. Really high. He's a drug dealer so apparently he has "real shit" not that spice shit.

Anyway next thing I know I'm higher then I've ever been before. My head was spinning and my eyes couldn't focus.I was in serious lala land and everything was bright and accented. I was having a shit load of fun. Then out of no where I come crashing down. I'm bent over puking. It would have been okay if I had eaten anything but unfortunately all I drank was coffee like 4 hours before.

I threw up and threw up stomache acid. I felt like I was throwing up piss. I KNEW i was throwing up piss actually cause I felt this line from inside my crotch trace up my stomache and out my mouth. It was like I was pissing but inside myself instead. Then I actually pissed myself.

Anyways after I'm done puking and I'm still a little high Rodney tells me I have to leave cause he has to go to work. I said alright and leave extremely thirsty. I drink from a puddle on the street cause I'm really dehydrated. Seriously thought i was gonna die from the shit.

Then I realize I have no where to go and I was about to faint from being so hungry and thirsty. I stop by a gas station and ask for free water cause I left my wallet at Rodney's. Cashier said that he doesn't give out free drinks. I go to the bathroom and drink from the faucet. Don't feel better. I leave fast.

Decide this shit is bad and I have to go back to school for food and water. Get back in time for last hour and get to class. get some skittles from some guy and that was like fucking heaven. Anyway I'm laying ther in class and look down and just then remember...FUCK I PISSED MYSELF BACK THERE.

Worst day man. I'm using this for a story. I swear
November 17th, 2011 at 05:40am