Upcoming Story News && Shadowing a Vet Tech? lol

First things first...

Hey there.

How YOU doin? ;D

...YYEEAAHH I've been gone for a long time. I believe my original reason was because I got busy with school. Still busy with school but I'm getting close to being able to post my new story. I'm working on the last few chapters and when I'm finished I'll post each chapter at week intervals. I hope at least some people like it xD I'm not looking for a lot of popularity but I do want people to enjoy my writing. I'm gonna be straight with you - it's not my best work. I hadn't written a gosh darn thing in SO long that I told myself to just screw it. Quit fooling around Alyssa - get a plot and write the freaking plot. So, I did. I guess you could say I implemented the use of free-writing whereas I normally take the time to better plan out and edit my stories but I hat to get my butt in gear!

So, that's had me busy. Transitioning from a tiny slacker high school to college has been... interesting. And I'm not even at a university yet. :/ I hope I can do this lol.

But, the speech class I'm taking had me going out to look for MORE volunteer work. This was a group project, and my group wanted to go out and volunteer instead of do some research. At first I thought it was cool because they wanted to volunteer at an animal hospital only like 15 mins. away from my house. Animals, I like those - this works out quite nicely I thought. No.

Don't get me wrong. Veterinary experience is valuable no matter how you're working with the animal. If there's an emergency, people want to know you'll at least be somewhat prepared. So, I figured I could get some veterinary experience here and get the hours for this project - kill two birds with one stone. Not so much. The vet actually seems like a cool guy but he didn't want me to volunteer right away he wanted me to shadow on of the tech's and then decide if I still want to volunteer.

I did. I don't.

I realized I can use the hours I got volunteering/interning at the previous animal hospital I was at for this project. Plus, I just honestly don't want to be a vet or a vet tech. At all! When I was little and told people I might want to work with animals they would ALWAYS assume vet. I would always say no. Being in that field is very math intensive, as well as chemistry and whatnot. Those were practically my worst two subjects in high school. I can handle math and chemistry but not a career that's heavily intertwined with it. Any vets, or aspiring vets out there? What is it about that work that you love? Just curious, I like hearing people answer those sorts of questions. :P

I might be able to subq an animal every now and then or something but I can't stick needles in them all the time, haha not for me. :)
November 19th, 2011 at 12:54am