Find Your Way, Into My Heart ?

You confuse me.
One night we will be all sweet, wishing we were together, but complaining of distance. But then you're going to date a girl from a whole different state? There is only 2 hours between us.. Why do you put me through this? You KNOW how I feel about you.. I am completely honest with you.. and you keep so many things from me.. especially new girls... I'm scared they're going to take my place.
Terrified actually.
I do not want to lose you.. I don't know what I'd do. I feel like I can tell you everything. You're my best friend still, but I wish it could be more... Much more. <3
And it makes it even worse whenever you text me and ask about all of this.. like you are doing right now. I don't want to hear how happy she makes you or anything along t'hose lines. I don't care to hear it. I don't want to hear how happy I make you. Like you told me last night..
I'm used to you getting a new girl, and last time you were dumped, that's when I really fell for you. This feel like, I don't know. I'm crashing. I'm falling. Burning.
I jut want to cry..
Don't lie to me and say that you like me more.. it only makes things worse.
I just really wish you knew how I felt.. but words can't describe it..
November 19th, 2011 at 11:25pm