It's like giving away your babies!

Tonight is the last night I get to spend with my bunnies (Lulu Cheyenne, and Haylee Caterina.)
My dad hates them, and I became allergic to them.
Every time I'm near them, I have an allergy attack.
So I'm giving them to one of my best friends.
I thought I'd be okay.
But I realized I wasn't going to be by the stupidest little thing.
The thing that set me off was her telling me she was going to change their names.
I don't know why that killed me, but I just felt terrible.
It doesn't help that my mom is trying to make me feel bad about it.
I know this is what's best for my bunnies, and she just makes me feel like shit.
She promised though, in order to make me feel better, that we'd get a small dog instead. I've always wanted a small dog. I love my big dog to pieces, but I also want a small dog.
Oh yeah, once we'd had the whole thing put into place, she pulled back and said we might not get the dog, and she never actually promised anything.
I know better though. We'll get a dog, and maybe I'll feel better eventually.
It's just that I'm going to miss my bunnies so much. And they won't even be my Lulu and Haylee anymore.
So as a recap: I have to give away my bunnies whom I love, but in order to make me feel better, we might be getting another dog.
To end this journal, I think we're naming the puppy Mattie.
November 20th, 2011 at 02:14am