Its alright. -pic-

Its the only song that is keeping me sane right now. Something about it just takes me into another place thats better than this one.

Today our family had our thanksgiving. My parents just ended up fighting, and my brother drove off in the middle of dinner, leaving me to deal with them.

I don't even know why they wanted to have thanksgiving together, since they hate each other. They're going through a divorce right now.

I tried having a bowling party last night. I have had the event up on facebook for about two weeks and sent everyone texts about it. Out of the 30 people that I invited, 6 said that they would come.

No one showed up.

So I sat at the bowling ally by myself for 6 hours with three pizzas and three liters of soda, wearing my yeti head waiting for someone to show up.


Some parents asked me if they could entertain their kids birthday party, thinking that I was with the bowling ally. It was really embarrassing.

I'm trying really hard to connect with old friends, and trying to make new ones, but no one seems interested in hanging out with me.

I never thought that I was that weird, or annoying, but I guess I am. Every time I have hopes of making a guyfriend, they make a move and I reject them. Then they never talk to me again.


I really feel like giving up.
November 21st, 2011 at 05:31am