
I'm so loud! I was just telling my mother something about my best friends dad, and I didn't know he was downstairs and he heard me! GAH! I was like saying how mean he sounded and he could tell!

They already hate me. This I know. I have tainted their daughter! She listens to non-Christian bands, she cusses, she talks about premarital sex. Yep, I've just ruined her. Add to that I'm not Christian, I'm pretty much their worst nightmare.

But, if we're being quite honest, SHE'S the one who taught ME about sex using barbies after her irresponsible parents didn't block a channel on the TV when we were 6.

I just taught her everything she knows about Avenged Sevenfold, My Chemical Romance, and pretty much every band. I taught her what zombie hunters do, and what witches and wizards and demons were. I got her cursing, I got her watching movies that her parents frown upon.

Yep, I'm the parents worst nightmare. I also kidnap her frequently and "blatantly deceive" them while loading music onto her iPod. I rarely go to church with them, and I am pretty constantly going to concerts.

So I've promised to take her to her first concert and now I'm the bad guy.
What was I talking about? Oh yeah! Being loud!

Anyways, I was concerned that he could hear me, but now I don't care. They already didn't like me. What else do I have to lose?
November 21st, 2011 at 05:43am