And I'll say your name and in the same breath, I'll say something that I'll grow to regret.

At this moment in time I think my life is at a pretty amazing point, not just for one reason either which is good. Everything in my life is just coming together nicely, and I actually love it soooo much. Hopefully I didn’t just jinx myself. I will explain why some of it is amazing during this so I won’t go into much detail right now, but yeah, yippy skippy has a reason in my life again right now haha. :]

The last time I blogged on here was just after my granddad died, which pretty much explains why I wasn’t in a good place, and although I really do miss him so much still I’ve since then realised a lot and it’s helped me cope a lot more. He wouldn’t want me to be upset; I know that as an absolute fact. He’d probably kick me if he ever saw me cry over it again, I can just imagine him now! He would just want me to be there for my nan, and as much as I know, I think I’m doing pretty good at that. I don’t stay there as much as I used to now for a reason I won’t mention on here, but I’m still there as much as possible which I know is what she needs. She needs her space as well, so I think this is actually for the best.

Actually you know what, thinking back to the last time I blogged on here, a loooot has happened in my life, wow. But you guys probably don’t wanna know too much, and I know Claire only wants me to blog so that I can spill the beans about my weekend away, sneaky cow. So I will put some of the other stuff down as well, but I’m not gunna blab about it all as much as I normally do, is that okay?

I’ve finally turned 18 yaaaaaay. You really have no idea how excited over my birthday I was, I can finally do the things I’ve been doing since like 13 legally woo. I’ve been to a lot more gigs and parties as well, made new friends there, such lovely people! I’ve distanced myself from the people I don’t need in my life anymore, but also I’ve gotten a lot closer to some other people.

I still have my best friends though. I don’t see them as much as I used to because we all have our own lives, whether that be other friends, college, work, boyfriends or whatever, it’s still okay though because they’re still around if I need them. I really don’t know how they’ve stayed with me all these years and not got bored of me and my moods yet. Actually, saying that they probably have and that’s why I don’t see them as much anymore? I hope that’s not the case! That’s enough for the rambling crap now though; I’ll start on what Claire actually wants to read about haha. ;)

Guess what tumblr people? Little old I went to the good old London on the weekend. It was lovely as well, I thought I wouldn’t enjoy it because I’m too Bristolian, but it was actually amazing. I went up there to see a very good friend of mine called Alex. It was probably the best weekend I’ve had in so long, it was just amazing. The weather was amazing, the people were amazing, and the sites were amazing. Pretty much an amazing weekend, and that really is the only way I could describe it. Amazing.

I went up on the Friday night, straight after college, and got there for about 8 o’clock. Damn megabus was late. -.- When I got there we went to his house where I could leave my stuff and also to get ready for a party where all his friends would be. At first I was a bit scared to go there because I’d just be surrounded by people I didn’t know so I’d of felt awkward or whatever. But then when I got there, within about 15 minutes I already made some new friends, which if you know me is quite good because I don’t do that easy! But they were just lovely people, really friendly. I met some people that were actually from Bristol as well, yet I have never met them before! Then I met his flat mate, what a complete legend! He just kept topping up my drink with more vodka, alcohol friend woo.
We stayed there until about half twelve, then went and got a taxi to The Clapham Grand, I’d never in my life heard of it before but it was fun! I didn’t think I’d get let in, although I was actually using my own id, but when I showed the man my ears I was allowed in! I didn’t get drunk so I couldn’t embarrass myself so I can actually remember everything that happened, which is such a change for me haha. But the best bit was when Alex fell flat on his face climbing over a railing. I wouldn’t say that if he wasn’t okay, but he is, so I can admit that it was hysterical! A girl from his year Roz and I just stood there laughing until we got told to leave because he was a mess haha. So then me, Alex, Roz and Jon (the guy who’s party it was) all went back to Roz’s house and just stayed up talking until about half 5 before we left for our own places and slept. That was a great night, and it was only my first night there. I told you I was loving life!!

On Saturday, we did start of on a bad patch which was completely my fault and I’m still sorry for it and he knows that so I’m not gunna mention it on here. I’ve learnt my lesson though and it won’t happen again, I promise. We set out for a picnic at Primrose Hill. It’s the place from the book One Day. It was so hot, so we had plenty of ice cream and drinks hehe.

At first we went to Camden Lock Market for a few hours, it was soooo good. Like really good. All the different smells, the bright colours, the stalls, the people it was wicked. Just think of like your local market and then times that but like 100 and you’ll get it. I loved it. There were just little bits that just completely shocked me, in a good way, and it just got better walking through. Even in the food courts, there were people on guitars, it was just beautiful. :):):) Then we continued our little journey to Primrose Hill. We stopped at Regents Park because we’re lazy people and it was just toooooo hot to walk around when we really didn’t even know where we were going haha. So we just led there for an hour, catching some rays and talking about life. It was amazing guys; don’t tell Alex that though, his head would grow. ;) After being lazy for a while we continued our journey and finally got there. IT WAS LUSH. The view was just, I can’t even explain it. You could see the whole of London from where we were sat too! So considering the weather, the view and having him there to speak to, it really was perfect. That’s cheesy yes, but I don’t really care. :) After that we went to buy some food and drink, went back to his and fell asleep watching Pulp Fiction. So yes, Saturday was once again amazzzing.

I was suppose to leave early on Sunday but that didn’t end up happening haha, because someone wanted me to stay longer, not that I’m complaining! :p We went to all the touristy places on Sunday morning, like the palace, Hyde park and we were gunna go to the big museum but we didn’t have time because we wanted to go to Brick Lane Market as well, but still it was such a good day. Brick Lane Market was soooo cool as well and they had the BEST cheese bagels I’ve ever tried in my life mmm. I had a big fruit cup too. :3 after we walked around there for a few hours it was time I had to go and get my coach home. I really am so glad Alex waited with me, or I don’t even know where I’d of went haha! So many coaches, freaked me out a bit!

But yes, now I’m back in the old Bristol, and it’s good. It feels weird not waking up to him now but I’ll see him again soon when he comes down, so I’m okay with that. So I’m back to reality, college and assignments, but I’m happy. That’s it. Blog over. Sorry to bore you all with this haha, and sorry it’s long but my weekend was awesome. :)
November 21st, 2011 at 08:29pm