So lie to me once again and tell me everything will be alright.

It’s not really been that long since I last blogged actually which is quite surprising for me, and I wasn’t even asked either! I think it’s just because I wanna write and remember how things in my life are at these moments, so I can capture and remember the feelings and stuff that i’m feeling at the moment. And if i’m honest with you all, I am seriously feeling the best I’ve felt in ages. How amazing is that?

I went up to London again people, I think this time was more amazing-er though, which is pretty big if you think about how much I loved life last time. But it just gets better each time, and I really can’t imagine it getting better. We didn’t do the sightseeing like we did last time; we did more simple things, more together time haha. And if you know me, I love the simple things so it just made me so happy just being with him. Oh, have I mentioned that he’s my boyfriend now? To be able to say that has just brought a huge grin to my face (please don’t get all big headed when you read this, I’ll just deny it hehe)

But yeah, as I was saying, it was such an amazing weekend. I got there earlier on the Friday this time as well because I had to go up to London to organize a sports tournament with my college course, so at the end of that day when they all got back on the coach to come home, I got on the tube and made my way to Alex’s. I don’t wanna sound all silly, but I see my life consisting more outside of Bristol now I’ve gone to London a couple of times. Back a few months ago I thought I could be content with staying here for my whole life, but I can see my life more out of it now as well.

On the Friday night we went to ALRA for the beer festival, and as the name pretty much shows, it was amazing. I didn’t even drink that much as well, which I’m proud of, my alcohol dependency is going. I don’t feel like I need it to make me all happy anymore, I can do that by myself. I drank a little, just one pint so it was enough to make me more sociable but then I didn’t overdo it either. And if I’m honest, I may get some looks for this, but I’m really chuffed with myself for. I made new friends again; I’m getting good at all this malarkey! Anyway that was Friday night; we then went back to his after that, which turned out to be my favourite part of the night. Just warning you all now, this blog is about to turn soppy, so if you don’t wanna read it then I advise you to stop reading now!

We were gunna stay up and watch a film but by the time we’d sorted our things out, got ready for bed and got in there we were both too tired to even watch it. So we just led there, all snuggled in to one another. If I’m honest, I think that is why I’m all big smiley face now. I have never in my life been that close to anyone before without feeling uncomfortable, but when I was in his arms, I’ll be honest, I felt so safe and like that’s where I belonged. I really did want that moment to last forever, cliché much? You know that grin you get on your face when its proper wide, full teeth and you just can’t help it because you just feel 100% content with how your life is at that moment? Yeah, I had that face all night. We just led there talking mindlessly for ages, listening to cute music and just being happy. That is what I want forever.

On Saturday we walked to Stamford Bridge, it was the 3rd time I’ve been there, yet I don’t remember it ever making me so happy before. It was the day of Chelsea vs Arsenal as well, big derby day, so you can probably imagine the amount of people that were there. So because we’re cool people and haven’t got the money to pay stupid amounts for the tickets we walked around the Chelsea megastore. It’s so funny being with Alex, because I know pretty much more about football related things than him so I felt like I was the kid in the candy shop just loving life and he’s the teenager that’s loving it but doesn’t show it as much. But its okay, I’m cool with that. He was a united fan before anyway, so slowly he’s getting there! ;)

We went into Camden after that on search for pumpkin pie and also a pub to watch the match in and we actually found neither. Our search for the pumpkin pie got us nowhere, but just as we were giving up hope on the pub we found one. But just shows how good our luck was, we were about the only 2 people that could sit in a pub full of Arsenal fans. Sucked big time! So after my baby John Terry scored to put them 2-1 ahead just before half time, we left there to go to a more central pub so we’d be with more Chelsea fans. Did that work? Uhmm no! Although we did find another Chelsea fan in that pub, there were then 3 of us. But he was a funny man, I wonder if he got home okay in the end and didn’t pay so much for another taxi back? Oh well, good luck to him!

But guess what happened when we were walking through Clapham on our way back? Some nutter of a man started punching loads of guys on the other side of the road to us, for no reason at all! He just walked out of a shop and punched the man that walked past him, leaving him all shocked face. Then he did the same to about 3 other guys, even with their girlfriends by their side! What a complete twat. But then the last guy he hit chased after him and round the corner. We didn’t know what really went on after that but the guy that chased him retreated a bit because the nutter looked like he had something in his hand. Then the both went out of sight again so I’m not really sure what happened. But it was pretty scary, and a bit shocking! What goes through people’s minds these days?

On Saturday night we went out with all his friends again to a club in Wimbledon, it was such an amazing night! Everybody all dressed up and looked amazing. It was a good night. Except there was a little argument that happened, I’m not really sure what happened because I was in my own world. But from what I heard and understood, the guy that was arguing was horrible anyway, not Liam, he’s cool. The other one, I don’t know his name. I didn’t get too drunk again, yay! But I did drink enough to make me all happy. And at about half 12/1 o’clock me and Alex left, when we were leaving I hugged a couple of his friends and they were all really nice to me and called me amazing. They also said that they were looking forward to see me again. YES!!

We cuddled up in bed again after this, and like the same as the previous night it was one of the most amazing nights off my life. We didn’t even do anything, we just led there snuggling. And to me, that was enough. I felt so happy, with everything. And just like that, as soon as I’m with him like that, all my worries are gone. I don’t care how that sounds, but it’s the truth. When I’m with him, there’s only good in the world.

I went home on Sunday so we did nothing, I’m kidding. Although I did go home on the Sunday we went on a loooooong bus journey, never again! We went into Kingston so he could buy the CD he’s been waiting for ages for. But guess what guys? There was another psycho on the way! She just started on everyone, again, for no apparent reason. Just threatening 3 men, and even holding one by the collar of his shirt. She was completely nuts! I think people forgot to take their happy pills that weekend, the freaks. We wandered around for a bit after this, just enjoying time, as simple as that sounds. And after we got the train back, we went back to his and ate lots of food. But then it was time for me to leave.

I hate leaving him, I really do. As soon as I get on the coach, I just want to get back off again, because I miss him straight away. I didn’t wanna be all like how I am now, because I do think that I’ve fallen for him way too much, but I have. There’s nothing I can do about that now. But you know what? I’m not worried anymore. After our talk last night, I’ve realised how silly and insecure I am about little things, and then when I led in bed last night I knew I shouldn’t be. So I’m not now. I am scared about how much I like him yes, but I’m not worried about it in the slightest. So, I do think that this happiness I’m feeling at the moment is here to stay for quite a while yet.
November 21st, 2011 at 08:30pm