oo9. stories deleted & one-shots in the making.

I'm on my phone, so please excuse any stupid typos..

Okay. So. I used to have two stories, both of which only had a single, short chapter posted from months ago... I know a lot of people liked what I had posted, but, I just... lost every single little hint of muse that I had for either of them. Thus, "Vincent." and "Another Missed Call" have been deleted, and there's pretty much no chance of either of them returning. I apologize to my readers, but I just had no inspiration whatsoever for either of them. To prevent this from happening again, I will only be writing one-shots and drabbles for a while... Hell, I may NEVER post a full-length story. I have a bad habit of never finishing the things I start, so... yeah. One-shots from now on.

Now, I've entered a couple of writing contests on here in order to get the ball rolling. So, since y'all are simply fabulous, I'm gonna give you a little idea about each one I'll be writing.

First off, I have entered a "kink/fetish" writing contest. The kink/fetish that I chose is pyrophilia, which is sexual arousal by fire. The title of this story will be "Flicker" and, obviously, it will be rated NC-17. It will be an original femmeslash, as I'm trying to practice writing from a female's perspective, which is something I haven't done in a long, long time.

Next, watch out for "Catastrophe", which is the story I'll be writing for a bandfic/songfic contest. I chose to use David Schmitt of Breathe Carolina. The song I wad assigned is "Somebody Told Me" by The Killers. I don't know what this one will be rated yet, but it probably will be R. I'll let y'all know its rating before I post it.

Now, for one I'm really excited to write! I entered a Blink-182 songfic contest, choosing their song "Always" as the basis. It will feature Mark Hoppus as the protagonist, because I am infatuated with him. It will probably be rated around the "R" area. Again, I shall inform you all of the rating before I post it.

Yes, there's even more! I will be writing a Kendall Schmidt (Big Time Rush) fanfic because he is my freaking ultimate guilty pleasure. It will be rated NC-17 and titled "Mediocre". It will be heterosexual and have an OC as Kendall's romantic interest. I might even attempt humor in this one... No promises that any of my jokes will be funny, though.

Last, but not least, I will be writing another femmeslash, which will also be a bandfic. I haven't been added to the contest list yet, but, hopefully, I will be using Carah Faye Charnow from Shiny Toy Guns, because I have a mad crush on her. This one will also probably be NC-17 because I really like writing smut. It's kind of pathetic, actually...

But, yeah. I know that's quite a few entries to write, but I have muse for all of them. In fact, I may have one up before school tomorrow, if I can convince my parentals to let me use my laptop... I hope you guys like them, 'cause I'm gonna have fun writing them. When I do get them up, don't forget to comment and stuff. C;
November 22nd, 2011 at 06:51am