Oh goodness!

Wow, I feel horrible that I haven't been on! I used to come on everyday at school and my school blocked this site so I always forget to come on now! I'm horrible! I would be devoted to a site where people read my stuff. I'm sorry I haven't been on. So let's see what has been happening to me. Well I have been sick for a while. I had the flu on Friday and Saturday, Sunday I was fine then yesterday I felt really cruddy and today I'm ready to just hop skip and sing! Well I was until a total jerk ticked me off. He just had to point out that I said "No" Instead of "Know" excuse me for making a common human error! Geez don't have to point it out. I think if a person that uses lol, brb, rofl shouldn't comment on a person's spelling. But that is just me. I hate chat speak unless it is emoticons. like DX :D t(-_-t) <- that one is my favourite. He doesn't even say sorry what a total jerk. He tries to make himself as a know-it-all. Geez. I make one mistake and he nails on it all. How rude. I'm sorry that just really bothers me when I just make one mistake and someone has to thrash on it. I also have dyslexia too so sometimes I don't see all my errors. I was tweeting him so it is not like I could see my tweet right after I sent it. Geez. I really needed a good ranting journal here it is! I think i'm done with ranting. Time for good news!

I have been building up ideas for A Melody of Flames and also The Legacy. I really cannot wait until I start The Legacy. I wrote one of the biggest parts last night because I just had to get it out and OH MY GOD! I love my characters! I'm so excited for this script! Squee! Well this has carried on for way too long if anyone actually reads this..I love you very much. and remember

-Desire Your Dreams
November 23rd, 2011 at 03:25am