Maybe it's silly

Maybe it's silly.
I just like looking at your house every once in a while. Or maybe every time I pass by. I like pretending like you're gonna pull into your driveway soon. Like we are gonna be going over to your house to eat pizza and hang out. I like to pretend for just a few minutes that you're ok. I like to pretend like I'm going to see you again, like I didn't lose you. I like looking at your house and remembering all the time we spent together there. I like looking and remembering even though the last time I ever saw you was in that house. I like knowing that you lived there. I like knowing that you were happy there. And I know that you're gone, it's been two and a half years, but I still get this warm feeling when we go by your house, like maybe just maybe you are watching me from heaven, and your happy that I remember you. 
Maybe it's silly.
But they're demolishing your house. And I just can't stop crying. This is the final chapter. The one special place I had left that was exactly the way it was when you were still here. It's gonna be gone soon, just like you. And I just cry.
And maybe it's silly. 
November 23rd, 2011 at 04:57am