
Hi, my name is Maria and I have a story to tell.
By story I mean.....my story.
I'm not going to tell you all the details; just the main idea.

I've been through a lot. Depression, cutting, attempt at suicide, and tons of other things. As I look back at the tough times I realize how good I have it. I have a good education, great parents, awesome friends, and I don't have to worry about not having food when I get home. My parents both have jobs and we live in a nice house. There are people out there who are struggling just to make it through the day and I can't believe that I was worried about the stupid things in life. I wasted almost 3 years of my life sweating the small things. I worried so much about things that didn't matter and won't ever matter. Those are years I'll never get back. Before I go any farther I would just like to apologize to anyone that is struggling just to make it through the day because that sucks.
The past few months I've been on a mission to be happier and focus on the bright side. I want to turn my life around. I want to be selfless and happy. When people say my name or think of me I want them to remember me as the girl that was gleeful all the time. The girl that gave and never wanted anything in return.
When I look back on my teenage years I don't want to think about how rude, depressed, and ungrateful I was.

?"Never ignore a person who loves and cares for you,
because one day you may realize that you’ve lost the moon while counting the stars."

- John O’Callaghan
November 23rd, 2011 at 08:09am