Sex is like...

For me, sex is a lot like driving a car. You can go fast or slow, and sometimes the engine might stall, but the memory of the first ride lasts forever.

Please keep in mind that I possess a very obscure sense of humor.
I like to joke and make fun of things that I think are taken way too seriously, and sex is just one of them. Now some would disagree, saying sex is a "sacred act of union" or something only married couples should do, and that's all well and good for them. That's what I was taught too. But that's not me. I respect their view points because yes, some religions believe that having sex before marriage is unholy, or dishonorable, or whathaveyou. I get it. But sex is a personal choice only the participants can make.
Personally, I chose to have sex before marriage and I have never once regretted it.
Guess what, I didn't get pregnant, and I didn't die.

Now that's not to say I couldn't have. This is not me being "oh go out and have lots of sex because it's great and wonderful and all your friends will think you're cool!"

People, use protection. Unless you want children, or diseases, or whatever.
And for me, I also made sure it was with someone I deeply cared about.
I'm not saying that having causal sex is bad, because really, what sex isn't casual?
I do in fact have morals, contrary to popular belief, and having sex with only the man I love is just one of them. No offense to those having sex for sport, to each their own.
From the workout I get during sex it's kind of my sport too.

I guess the purpose of this journal was to get it what was on my mind out there. And maybe hear other viewpoints on this topic.
What's sex like for you?
November 23rd, 2011 at 06:04pm