Hello again, Mibbs! | OCD | Comment swap???

Hey guys! It feels like its been forever...oh well. Its the fact that I'm back that matters.

So what's new? I'm anxious to know. I need someone to talk to...curse my lonely tendancies!

Guess what? I think I'm suffering from OCD. (Obsessive compulsive disorder) I can't like something without researching it first, and then obsessing over it all the time. What's wrong with me? Is this a phase? Or am I just legit crazy? Answers would be greatly appreciated.

I'm doing a comment swap with my fanfiction, Flashbang. I know most people don't like reading fanfiction because half the time they have no flipping idea what's going on. Its cool though. Broaden your horizons.

Now, rules for my comment swap:

1. Read Flashbang. Love it? Hate it? Idc. Its something I've put a lot of time into and I'm proud of it. ^_^

2. Comment using honest constructive criticism, bit don't hurt my feelings. I'm a sensitive soul just like you.

3. Come back and give me a story to read. I'll read anything. ANYTHING. (As long as its under or at 5 chapters.)

4. Add me as a friend. I'm always looking for people to talk to or help me out. After all, isn't that what friends are for? (Bruno Mars's "Count On You" starts playing in the backround. xD)

Ahh....gotta love Mibba. Well, I suppose I shall await replies.
Toodles, my dears! ;)
November 23rd, 2011 at 08:25pm