Haven't journal-ed in a while, but

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! if you celebrate it, that is. And if you're American, live in America, live vicariously through America's foodie holiday...I hope you're having a great time, and if you're having a great time, you're probably not reading this!

Anyways. In recent Mibba news, I have started two new stories....one is a bit of a different Tokio Hotel fanfic setup (Skin Light) and the other is for a contest that I am pretty sure I love and will continue after the contest is over (Rom). I've also revamped my former Tokio Hotel fanfic (Marchin' On) into an OF, and I really am in like with it. So, if you have the time or the patience, please wander over to my Profile and check them out!

The whole Thanksgiving - getting school off has given me the time to actually savor the fall and the leaves and the frost and everything else. My family usually goes to either my aunt's or uncle's place for an extended family gig, but due to laziness and business, we're staying at home and probably joining the crazed shoppers with midnight Black Friday deals tonight.

It should be alright and good and fun.

So...what are you doing for Thanksgiving/Black Friday?
November 24th, 2011 at 11:39pm