Jack from The Last Goodbye

Did you guys know that Jack from The Last Goodbye is based on a real person? He's a guy that i have a crush on :P

He's one of those perfect guys at school...you know good looks, good at sports, good at academics, good at dancing, good at everything! And he is so adorable...asdfghjhkl;

So yeah he pretty much the popular boy like he also is in the story. Except im not sure how he feels about being popular and all. But he's definitely not a jerk. He's a really sweet guy. I think thats why everyone likes him, including the teachers. But i think the girls like him best for his looks....
Well, i don't know what else to write on this...if you have any questions about him, go ahead and ask me :)

BTW his real name last name isn't Sullivan.
November 26th, 2011 at 02:22am