I'm insane, I can feel it in my bones

So, I haven't touched my mibba in a while. I've been passing it off as school, but it's so completely different.

Around mid-September two people very dear to me died. My friend Jessica, who was in a car wreck after being drugged, and Jared Speakman, who was shot by the cops for some unexplainably stupid reason. I have been REALLY depressed lately, and I've been on Zoloft, which isn't helping all that much, and as a matter of fact, recently, my parents have been limiting my use of it and I'm getting a form of discontinuation syndromes. I was suicidal for a while and I pulled myself out of it. I was cutting, and I'm scared that I'm going to fall back into it, but I think I almost pulled myself out.

I just want everyone to know I'm here if you need to talk. Self harm and suicide are just permanent solutions to s temporary problem.

I just needed to vent.
November 26th, 2011 at 03:35am