Shit just got real.

So if you don't want to hear me rant for the next 3-4 minutes, avert your gaze.

So tonight, my family and I went out to this bar/grill downtown. I usually go to my dad's in the morning on Saturday's, but tonight I was going out so I told my dad to pick me up at the restaurant at ~9. Anyway, so my dad and his girlfriend (err, fiance.. the thought chills me,) came up to the fine establishment and called me for me to collect my things and come with them. So my family, being silly and slightly drunk, ran out and greeted their uncle/cousin (my father.) Well Lee, the fiance, didn't like their presence for obvious reasons, and told them to fuck off. Needless, to say my witty cousins just kept annoying her i.e. just talking to her more. As we drove off, Lee yells out the window "I hope you dunk twits wrap yourselves around a pole in your cars." At this moment I wanted to fucking rip her face off, but I refrained. One thing to say about my dad is that he has had about 6 stepmoms, so has basically been in the same boat as me in that moment, He tells her to shut the fuck up. (In my mind I thought yessss because I knew he was about to say what I didn't have the balls to.)

"Who the fuck gave you the rite to butt into his business."

That is the phrase that made me so happy during this plight I can't even describe it. We drove in silence the way home.

When we got home, I rushed up to my room and closed the door. I was about to scream seeing as this ugly/retarded/has-less-than-two-brain-cells/ bitch just insulted my family, when they were simply trying to get a razz out of her. (mission accomplished.)

So she fires her word missiles at my father, to whom he dodged and counter-attacked...

Okay, too poetic. So yeah, she goes up to him and utters all these stupid, cliche phrases at him, e.g. "Do you think that this is what love is??!?!?!?!" and "You are supposed to defend your mate!!!!" Personally, I think my dad is about ready to smack some sense into her.

But yeeah... In essence, I was at first pissed, but after this little Trojanisitically sized war came about, it makes me laugh inside.

P.S.: my cousin saw his math teacher next door at the strip club getting a lap dance.

tl;dr: Crazy bitch insulted my family, war was the result. There was a stripper in there somewhere too.
November 27th, 2011 at 03:47am