QUESTIONS and Me ranting. for my own venting reasons, not for views....

So yeah, whenever i'm sad i turn to mibba journals lol. That's kinda sad, but oh well, Heres mah Ranting:

SO i'm all writing like "ar har har har i'm f*cking brilliant" and then i go to the 'stories' link on mibba and i read some random story and then i look at mine and im like ".... wow :l i suck" I mean those of you who type, do you not know this feeling!? I mean my friend gave me the link to one story and it was BEAST. Not even kidding, i got so into it and personally, i LOVED it and i barely read it. (this things novel-sized...)

So we're both looking at our double-authored stories with eachother and we're like "... FUUU, WHY ME?!"
ugh, so now im just moping about it. I mean i want to be the best... but it's like, it feels like i suck at everything.
I can't write romance at all, mostly because i've never even been in love with anyone or had anyone to be in a relationship with.
I can't do humor because i have no sense of humor in my stories, i mean i admire stories to death who are all serious and then can totally break the ice with humor. Like in a scene where you want to cry and then the next second that same chapter made your die through laughter because it pulled a real awesome crack from the situation. i can't do that...
I can't write expressive writing because... i just can't. i'm not educated that way.
And i cannot pull off proper emotions or make situations realistic because i'm 14 and therefore my writing sounds like a 10 year old decided it. I mean i read it and im just like "ugh, people are ganna hate this."

I mean in order to get views, you seriously half to do awesome. I get like zero views and zero subs. I mean YES I KNOW everybody does, like seriously mission impossible here to be liked in this mibba universe we live in, but i mean you have oppertunities. if you're great and you have a good theme, it can be pulled off. and i clearly don't and thats why i barely get the time of day for my stories...-sigh-

I mean i'd love to, i dont know, be able to grow as a writer and some day become h*llla PRO at this but come on. I'm busy and i just don't have such talents.....

1: do you have a lot of readers or have stories you think are good enough and don't get enough justice or love on mibba? What are they and their plot?
2: Have you ever felt like no one appreciates your stories even though they're good?
3: Have you ever read a bada*s story and realized yours really kinda pales to the story you just read...
4: Can you do romance/humor/mature scenes in stories fairly easily or decently?
5: Finally, how was your turkey day a.k.a Thanksgiving? Random, but just curious!
November 27th, 2011 at 07:50am