when i see their smiles, i wonder, why can't i be happy like that?

so, how many of you out there feel totally alone in a world of happy people. like you are the only fucked up one... i know i do.
yah see, i've had a pretty rough heartbreaking year. i'm not going to go into deep detail about it or anything, because honestly, who gives a fuckk?
but it's like, i go on Facebook and all i see is happy status's and happy pictures and happy people in happy relationships! and i'm all like, "why the fuck can't i have that?! jesus!!" i guess i'm just jeleous that i can't be in this forever happiness like these people. and i know i am not the only one who feels this way. i can't be!!
so, one half of this journal is too ask you people, do you feel the same as i do?

and the other half, well, it's kind of me crying out to you wonderful sad and/or happy people and asking... will you please talk to me?
i know - p. a. t. h. e. t. i. c.
but, i feel so alone, and i am so sick of these sluts and ass holes that are surrounding me. i just want to find someone i can really connect with. someone new, yah know? just, a best friend. maybe eventually even a boyfriend... (doubtful). i mean like, i'm not an awful person... i really can be kinda nice. like, people like me. just, at this moment in time i feel alone and awkward. kinda broken... yah know?

well, i guess that's all i'm going to say for now(:
haha; talk to you later i guess(:

November 29th, 2011 at 03:00pm