My Completely Realistic Plans for the Future

1. Rent three rooms in the house my two female friends will one day live in together.

One room for me, one room for the 25 cats I will own, one room for my dog.

2. Buy 25 cats and one dog.

Most of the cats will be Persians. Some will be Scottish Folds, a Turkish Angora would be nice.

The dog will be a Shiba Inu, and his name will be Roy. Because I LOVE DOGS!

If you get it I love you.

3. Be a famous author whose books will last for generations.

Maybe, you never know.

4. Attend the wedding my two female friends will one day have.

B*tches better get married. They're made for each other. And I'll be that one embarrassing friend that gets drunk in two minutes and doesn't know how to dance.

This is how I will dance.


5. Learn many languages.

I can if I beliiieeeeve.

Learning German, you guise.

I started teaching myself when I was nine and I'm doing pretty good years later you guise.


Well um those are just five of my goals for the future.

Loopy out.

December 1st, 2011 at 01:40am