My crazy epic eye makeup LOL / That's not flirting that's called being a retard.

So I was bored today, I missed school because my lazy mom didn't wanna drive me and I can't drive, my school is 40 minutes away from where I live btw xD but it's not like I'm complaining....I don't exactly wake up every morning dying to go LOL

so yea I had a bunch of makeup, and it was just there....and the results are the following~


Don't mind my un-groomed eyebrows D: I'm too lazy to pluck them xD

But yea it was visualkei inspired :3 cause I love visual kei <3 I hate my eye shape though...or well my eye in general ._. I wish I had bigger ones...curse my asian eyes D:< and there ugly brown....Wish I had contacts v.v visual kei is all about contacts....soon my people, soon.


So I was on facebook and then this random boater, which by the way is someone who is new to the country and doesn't really speak good english and has a accent and thinks he or she is the shit now that he or she is in America and they most likely put oil in their hair. Sorry to be biased but if you lived here and witnessed it yourself you would understand xD

but yea anyways he messages me on chat and says, and I quote

"Como estas...Speak spanish baby? ;3" that supposed to turn me on? o_o

and I can't help but hear it in my head with an accent....ughh Sorry if this sounds mean but...I mean really now v.v

I dunno how it works back home....but here in America that is NOT flirting, that's called being a dumb ass.

And that's also what gets you blocked on facebook ;3
December 1st, 2011 at 05:19am