Deleted My MIW Stories

I deleted them, except for the one I completed about Ricky, for the simple fact that I've lost all my ideas I had for them. I've been trying to update them but nothing is working and everything I was coming up with, wasn't making sense.

So, I just decided to delete them and start a new MIW story and hopefully I'll be able to keep this one going but I'm not sure who I should write it about.

Who would you guys like to see the new MIW story about:


The reason I didn't include Ricky is because I already have that Ricky story and I included Kuza because, even though he doesn't play in the band, he's still a big part.

Or I can do one about TJ or Frank...or if you guys want another Ricky story..just let me know.
December 1st, 2011 at 06:59pm