Why do I deal with this?

So, yesterday I was walking down the hall in school talking to this kid, right? Well this kid was a boy and my boyfriend saw us and got mad.

First off, that's bullsh*t. How jealous can you be? And, as if that wasn't bad enough, today we were walking down the hall (me and my boyfriend), but we weren't really saying anything, so he goes "you can talk to (the kid I was talking to yesterday), but not me."

That was so ridiculous so I just said "oh, yeah."

Then, being so mature, as he is, he says "if you like him so much why don't you marry him?"

So, I say "maybe I will" and walked away.

Why can boys be so stupid?
Why am I even putting up with this?

December 1st, 2011 at 11:11pm