Letter to the Black Veil Brides

Dear Black Veil Brides,
I highly doubt any of you will ever see this, but if you do, thank you. Thank you for your music. I don't have a "group" that I belong in at school, but I no longer care. Your music makes me feel like I belong finally. My parents love me, yes, but they don't know how I truly am. I used to be a social child in middle school, but then I became a bully target. I dress in black everyday- my jacket, shoes, & nails are always black. And I'm bisexual, though only three or four of my friends know this. I listen to rock & post hardcore, things like that. But no matter what is said to me, I always hear your music blaring through my mind. I'm not gonna lie- I've thought about death & what it would be like to die, but I've never done anything. But when I hate my life at the moment, I always remember "never give in, never back down", & I smile. So, again, thank you.
Forever Gratefull,
Alexandria M. Carlton
(from Iowa)
December 2nd, 2011 at 02:12pm