The breakdown at it's best.

I don't know what's been happening to me lately. I feel like myself, and at the same time, I feel so different. I've been getting into a lot of trouble at home lately, and haven't been doing so well in my school work. It's like, I want to do good, but no matter how hard I try, I can't.

I'm sure no one will read this, so this is more for myself than anything else. Lately, I've been such a whirlwind I'm giving myself whiplash. At times I'll be so happy, and then at others I'll be in the worst mood possible. I've already broken down into 'sob sessions' where I will cry so badly I end up shaking. I have no idea what's been going on with me.

Sure, I've had some bad news lately, but I've also done things that are right. For example:
Bad news:
1.) My older brother may possibly have cancer.
2.) He's coming out in about a week and a half's time and whenever he comes out he seems to make my life miserable.
3.) My mom always gives all her attention to him when he comes out.
4.) I have projects up the butt for school. >.<

Good things:
1.) I've given up on the boy that's no good for me.
2.) There's a new boy who is good for me.
3.) My group of friends seems to be connecting again.
4.) I've been connecting with new friends as well.

So I have to ask, what on Earth is going on with me? Why do I feel this way? Here you go, people. This is the breakdown at it's best; the beginning.
December 2nd, 2011 at 05:20pm