Impressing friends...

So recently I have started looking forward in life, seeing more positive instead of negative... Which I think is a good thing! :)

I also took a friends request and decided to sign up for college... (I am still in high school... That is the ONLY good thing about our district, it is free to go to college if your still in high school!) So next semester I will be pushing myself, 3 classes, up to 9 credits! I'll be taking Math, a english class, and golf! When I told all my friends and family, they all were happy and congratulated me.

Only a handful of friends seemed not to care... at all... the sad part about it would be, that those friend(s) were the ones I was trying to impress! So as a result of this, I am really thinking about changing one major detail about me... To stop trying to impress, stop trying to help out when I am needed... Cause when ever I need help or even to try to impress someone etc, they don't care...

Hum, I have also made a cool Poem! I would LOVE if you Mibbains would comment!! Yes I am horrible at punctuation... But other than that others have told me it is awesome!!!! Here it is!


Thinking Of Place and Time

To think takes time,
Having a good place in mind,
Starts the thinking process.
Put both together,
Time and Place;
You'll think and think,
Of a certain topic,
The mind will go round and round;
Until the thought
Of someone you have loved,
For almost a decade.
When you think of her...
The most beautiful, Delightful,
Amazing friend you can have.
The mind swirls around,
That one certain
Time and Place
You become
happy and cheerful,
But the more you think of this;
You notice that thought,
Is only a dream,
A mere fantasy.
But seems so close,
Yet so far...
You slowly come back to reality,
In the right time and place....

That right there ^ is my VERY first poem I tried to make! Took a couple days to think of what it would be about! Hope you all enjoyed it!

If you would like to -friend- me on Facebook! Just ask :)
December 3rd, 2011 at 09:54pm