Rocky Horror Picture Show LIVE TONIGHT! :D

There's this place in downtown Seattle that has actors act out the movie while the movie is showing on the big screen.
It starts at Midnight, ends at like 3am. And you have to dress up for the holidays! I'm a Christmas present! (Pretty much, my outfit consists of a GIANT Gift bag, a bow on my head, and fishnets. Underneath I'm wearing my volleyball spandex and a tank top.) I'll take a picture! Anyways, it's gonna be amazing! I'm debating on who I should send the bag to when I'm done! Comment telling me who I should send it to!

Since this is for my birthday, 2 of my VERY BEST FRIENDS, and one of my other best friends are gonna be there. Unfortunately, one of my VBF's hates my regular best friend, so I can't help but think tonight will be interesting.

In other news, my mom came home from England today! I haven't seen her yet, but when she gets home, she'll probably go right to bed. After all, It's 1:07am in London right now!

So yeah! I'm super excited for tonight's events!

Happy December everybody! :D
I'll let you know how it was when I get home tomorrow morning! :)

LOVE OLI!!!!! :D ?
December 4th, 2011 at 02:10am