*Insert Witty but Worthwhile Title Here*

So... I'm kind of new here. Also, this is my first journal on here.... Where do I start? Well, I can start by saying a few things about myself as a character... Well.... I love wolves. I also like the color red. I love writing and drawing. I'm an avid anime watcher and would love any recommendations. If I could, I'd listen to music 24/7 and love hearing new music. I love animals and have a few cats, dogs and horses. I've had a pet since born I was born. I've had pets ranging as small as hamsters to a big as horses. I have not owned any reptile, aquatic animal, or birds.
I am half Japanese and I like learning about the culture. I have a lot of friends (some that are a bit insane. Wait... make that all of them). My mum and dad have been divorced since I was two. My oma on my mum's side had recently passed away. I don't really watch tv. I am one of the few people that can say I can live without it. I love to read books. I have I am social but can also be very shy. I love to cook.
So....... yea. That's pretty much me. As far as physical aspects go... I'm 5'1, I have brunette hair and brown eyes.
Yea. All that's me and other things.
December 4th, 2011 at 08:22am