Really Want A Story To Read

Okay so half of this journal is going to be me going on about a load of rubbish since it has to be a certain length

I really do want a story to read, or lots of stories? I'm in the mood for a fantasy one but I'll read anything as long as its not like 1 chapter long because that just won't get rid of my boredom for very long...

So anyway how are we all on this dull Sunday? Its almost dark outside... depressing.

On a brighter note after 3 weeks almost I'm starting to get my voice back a little, it's still not great but its better than how I've had to talk the past few weeks, so hopefully my blood tests come back clear and i can go back to college! Yay!!

Any who i think I've babbled enough so GIVE ME A STORY TO READ PLEASE <3
December 4th, 2011 at 04:52pm