Sailor Moon & Comment Swap

So a couple of days ago I went to the bookstore, and some other stores, and finally got the re-released manga volumes of Sailor Moon! Even though I've read a big chunk of the manga online I still like to own the actual books for the re-read value (because to me it's much easier to re-read something if you've got the actual book). And well, I've actually been on a pretty big Sailor Moon kick for a while now. It's kinda been my favorite cartoon since I saw it back when I was litte.

Anyway, in honor of my having the first 2 volumes of my beloved Sailor Moon I feel like doing a comment swap on my story Star Squad which is set in the same/a similar universe but with original characters. I've gotten some pretty good feeback on it and a friend of mine that doesn't like Sailor Moon liked this so...maybe that makes it sound interesting? I don't know. It has 12 chapters up and you don't have to read that much of it. So whadda ya say, wanna comment swap?

1. I prefer to not read fan-fiction just because the chances are pretty high that I won't know the fandom.
2. Nothing rated NC-17.
3. Give a good comment.
4. You have to go first.
5. No slash/femmeslash.
7. If you wanna comment swap just tell me what you want me to read in the journal comments.
December 4th, 2011 at 10:44pm