Tumblr and Facebook addictions

First off, I’ve made a Tumblr and since I felt like it needed a purpose, I’m using it as a place to review books, movies, music, etc. It’ll probably mostly be about books because I go through so many and my family only listens so much when I want to talk about them. Check it out, it’d be nice to have someone actually read my posts. I also found a great blog to check out on the website. It’s called Reasoning with Vampires and it’s someone going through the Twilight books (she’s almost done with New Moon at the moment I think) and she points out all the grammatical errors and everything that annoys her. It’s really funny so if you have a sense of humor, you should give it a visit.

Now that I’ve gotten my self-promoting out of the way, I was thinking about something and I was wondering if any of you had noticed the same type of thing. People put too much effort into Facebook when they should be trying to fix their problems. My roommate makes phone calls at 2 in the morning when I’m asleep and I get to hear her lovely (not) conversations with her boyfriend as they fight. Well, a lot of the time in the conversations, Facebook will come up. She’ll either tell her boyfriend to post something like “I love you” to her wall. Why can’t he just tell her that while they’re on the phone? Is it really necessary for him to post it for everyone to see? Sure it’s nice to have that extra reminder but her telling him to do it just makes it stupid to me. Then when they were fighting and she was talking about breaking up with him, she told him to change his Facebook status to single in the middle of them arguing. I would think if you’re talking about breaking up with someone, what Facebook has to say should be the least of your worries. It’s like the website is the most important thing. I’m on it every day but it’s not what my world revolves around. I don’t post every little thing about my life, most of my posts are music videos, lyrics/quotes, or Harry Potter related.

Then there’s the relationship status. The one that says “In a complicated relationship” or whatever bugs me. If you’re relationship is complicated, maybe you shouldn’t be posting about it online. Maybe you should be trying to fix things instead of telling all your ‘friends’ that you’re having problems. It’s just something that irks me.

Do y’all think I’m crazy or right? Are you the kind of person who does these sorts of things?
December 6th, 2011 at 03:01am