dads are so f-cking stupid a lot of the time. (Don't steal my shit.)

So, i have a cork board in my room, where i have set two five dollar bills upon posters, clippings, concert tickets. And really, its like one of those books you can buy, where you go in and find the hidden item.

no one could ever find those five dollar bills, until i told them.

But, upon arriving home this evening, my father pointed a finger towards me and looked at my mother.

"Fuck," he said. "I need twenty dollars. Give her ten, and i need ten for gas."

Alarms went off in my head.

There are two things wrong with that sentence.

1) You took ten dollars without asking me? You meddled around in my fucking room, and took my money that i save, without so much as a call? I don't care if you want to borrow a fucking dime. Ask.

2) Mom needs to pay me back? And why's that? Is it her hands who greedily plucked the two bills? For HER addiction?

Now, Father, I'm sorry that you haven't enough money for many things. Sorry that you make only 300 and something dollars every two weeks. But, I save my money. and perhaps, so should you. I'm not ignorant. I'm angry. What gives you the right to sneak into my room and use my money (without bloody asking) to pay for YOUR addiction? And not even have the decency to pay me back.

The thing is, i would have given it up in a mere bat of an eyelid if it was for bills in the house that you both needed to pay.

But are you that fucking selfish? To steal from your own daughter to pay for YOUR addiction? And then, to have the fucking nerve to tell mom to pay me? And you?

I know its an addiction, i know its hard to fucking kick. But ... come on.

And, when mom did give you the twenty dollars, did you bother to give me half? Not fucking even. You took it all for yourself.

I love my father, but he is despicable some of the time.
December 6th, 2011 at 04:33am