
Every time I try writing long about me paragraphs I end up constantly changing them so I'll try to write something that describes me constantly.

My name is Albert and I go by Albert Scáth. The word Scáth has a double meaning; in Gaelic, it means shadow. In English, to be "unscathed" is to escape or get out of something undamaged and unharmed. So I played on the word. If you want to pronounce it in the Gaelic way, simply say "skah." If you want to pronounce it in the English way, "scath," but you pronounce the "th" sound the same way you pronounce it in "the." I chose this name as an alias for several reasons.

1) I despise my actual last name and I hope nobody ever finds out. It's disgusting, really.
2) I find it describes me. I'm a darker kind of person in many senses, the way I think, the way I dress, my sense of creativity and the things I'm a fan of. I have been scathed, I've been damaged, I've been hurt, and sometimes I believe to an irreparable extent.
3) I believe that you are who you choose to be. Harry Potter asked the sorting hat to be in Gryffindor, so he was placed into Gryffindor. Besides what you were born with, everything you are comes from the choices you make. So, very simply, I could tell you with no ego that my name is Albert Scáth.

I'm eighteen years old and I live in Canada. I'm gay and I'm in love. I'm opinionated (my favorite band is Evanescence, insult them and die), artistic, loyal, a bit short for my age, timid and slightly awkward unless drunk, and I have a tendency to lose any argument I get into because I could never get my points across properly when I'm talking and not writing.I'm a dog person but I love cats too, I thinks tattoos are sexy, I'm obsessed with straightening my hair because if I don't it's ugly (I tend to only believe I'm attractive at all when it's done, actually), I have a phobia of going bald, I prefer cloudy days over sunny days but I hate humidity, and my ambitions are to one day be a famous musician, writer and tattoo artist. Here is where you'll see all my writing, or at least the writing I'm willing make public, which includes some super old material and some new.

I'm also a paranoid and self conscious wreck. Experience has taught me never to trust, but I'm happy to say that barrier is in the process of being broken through. Either way, up until now, my life has known heartbreak, betrayal and loss. It's also known joy and laughter. It's known emotions which I'm not even sure have a name. It's cried, it's had fun, it's been confused and it's made me physically sick over the smallest things. It's one of the joyous bundles that comes with being human, and whatever I feel is one of the joyous bundles that comes with being me.

I'm not a perfect human. I make mistakes more often that I'd desire to, though no matter how often I wish my hair could be naturally straight, no matter how often I wish I could speak more to the people who love me most, no matter how often I wish I could be nicer to my family, no matter how much I wish I could always know what to say, we all must be forced to accept the foul things that come with who we are, the things that can't be helped. You can only choose you are to a certain extent. If you straighten your hair once, it won't stay that way forever. That's why it's better to also try finding good parts of yourself, parts you're actually proud of. Something else I wish is that I'd go by my own advice more often, because to be honest I never do. What I just said, I've tried once, and it didn't work much.

When it comes to my ambitions, however, I feel like that's one of the things that make me who I am. You can't be born one day and be immediately labelled a construction worker, or a journalist, or a scientist. You're born, you start to discover yourself, and then you decide what you want. It's not that I don't believe in fate - it's just that I think you could choose your own. I'm willing to do everything it takes to become what I want to be, and if you try, you'll get it. Once it's achieved, nothing can compare to deserving your dream. That's my view.

So while you're here, I hope you enjoy what you find. Happy reading!
December 6th, 2011 at 10:25am