I'm finally going under the knife

So I've finally booked my consultation with Harley Medical Group about my Rhinoplasty (nose job). This is a really big decision for me, and after considering it for 2 years, I now can honestly say I am now 100% ready to do this.

Don't get me wrong, after my consulation I might feel completely different, but right now I couldn't be more sure that this is the best decision for me.

I don't even feel nervous. I'm actually really excited. When I first realised that my nose was an issue, and it was my nose that made me feel the way I do about myself, I still never thought I would have the balls to get it done. I thought it would be one of those things that I would always want to do, but I would never end up doing it.

The only thing that has been stopping me within the last year has been the price tag. It will cost me around £5,000, and that's not the kind of money I have. I kept thinking, £5,000 was something I would take out a loan for when I needed a car, or when I wanted to move out. £5,000 for a new nose just didn't seem worth it.

Now, my priority is my nose. Whether I am paying it off for 2 years and I can't have a holiday doesn't matter any more. This nose job is exactly what I need.

Whether people agree with it or not. I need it in order to feel happy again.
December 6th, 2011 at 04:31pm