Hey! I'm not dead!

Hey there.

Gosh, I haven't been very active on here recently - mainly because of nanowrimo and my own laziness. I've really missed this site, though - logging back on here after over a month feels like coming home to an old friend.

I've been on tumblr a lot - I guess it's kind of destroying my life in a very enjoyable fashion. My tumblr's listentothebells if you're interested (I tried but when I previewed it the link wouldn't work - I don't know whether that's because I'm on my iPod or not). All my posts deliberately don't have the correct punctuation/grammar like most of the things I write, both on and off the Internet. It's nice to have a place where I don't worry about that stuff. Grammar is a lot more subjective than I first thought - and I understand that the point of grammar is to make communicating as clear as possible but bending the rules doesn't usually sacrifice coherency.

This journal doesn't really have a topic but I think I got off topic somehow. Anyway.

I'm reading A Clockwork Orange at the moment. And f*ck. It's so much better than I thought it would be. I also just bought Flowers in the Attic and The Wasp Factory and I'm very excited to start reading those.

It's lovely to see you again, Meebz.
December 6th, 2011 at 04:36pm