Blury lines, London and other random stuff. Advice? Questions

Blury Lines- I hate the fact that my ex-boyfriend and i now talk again but i dont know where i stand! We were talking about getting back together but then he said, I love you but its not our time so i was like you are joking right? What the hell does that mean!
Anyway we decided that we would still talk and be friends, and thats what we were doing but it feels like i have to text him first to talk to him... :S
Then when we do talk we flirt a lot now, and talk about things to do with being in a relationship and it just confuses me, theres a line to our friendship but where is it?
It hurts because i love him and when we talk i find myself smiling and getting excited when i see its him whos texted me. But then sometimes he will just ignore me or stop texting me, and then im like :/

London- Dont you just love it? Its like where we live just bigger, everything is bigger, the shops and people just seem to carry themselves bigger. And its always alive! I love going to london i go all the time, and its my favourite place ever.
What are you opinions on london?

On other random stuff, i am so ill, its horrible i've had two weeks off college and i went back yesterday to wake up this morning feeling like someone had bashed me round the head with a frying pan and shoved golf balls down my throat! Not a good feeling trust me.

And there was my random
December 6th, 2011 at 10:54pm