"Does that disappoint you?"

"Does that disappoint you?" he asked, leaning into the table slightly.

God, I wanted to say yes. I wanted to just blurt my true feelings and say yes, that he has no idea just how much it does. "No."

I lied. But what else is new, right? I'm not going to tell the truth and face more teasing than I'm confronted with now. I won't do that to myself.

Yes. It does disappoint me, a lot, that there will never even be a chance of "us". Because you don't like girls like me, and that's okay. I can accept that. I'm a far cry from being your type and I know that, even with every improvement I've made to myself in the past six months. It makes me disappointed in myself because it's just another reminder that I'm not good enough.

I like you because you make me laugh and you can cheer me up. You've never given me a reason to think that you're anything but a good guy, although in certain situations you've shined through stronger than others.

You're a good friend, and a pretty decent guy. That's good enough for me.
December 7th, 2011 at 02:55am