Soul mates

I met this guy in 10th grade (im a senior now) on the first day at my new school which i hated.

He was really nice and it was shocking because he was a 'jock'. Like football team type jock.

He would always greet me in the halls and I would just wave emotionless.

But I was really flattered by him and how he was just so friendly to me when no one else even noticed me.

Then one day he came up to me and said "Hey you really hate me don't you. I mean you really don't like me huh?"

I felt horrible and explained to him that I could never hate him cause he was so nice to me.

He soon became like my best friend.

I loved being around him he could just make me laugh without even trying.

I was in a dark place and just being around him was so helpful.

He became the only reason i would even want to come to school.

He was my motivation.

He was smart and cool.

Now I'm smart to but I didn't get into the NHS because i was lazy and depressed.

I loved him so much.

I had another friend who was a girl and had a huge crush on him. So you know we were like a trio that whole year and i loved him more and more.

My Junior year I went to a different school. in that time him and my other friend fell out and didn't talk anymore. I didn't realize i was the glue.

But now in my senior year I came back and its like I never even left.
He's my soul mate.

I can tell. I've never really been a popular girl and I've never really liked someone before but i like him.

I want to be with him forever.

I love being around him.

I feel it. It's like i can tell. We were meant to meet each other. I met him for a reason. And I love him so much.

It hurts when I think about how he's leaving for college in a few months. I don't ever want to be apart from him again.

He has a gf and I really like her and so does he. He even introduced us.

I don't care if we aren't together together I just feel like no matter how far away I go i will never not come back to him. It's like we're binned together by a invisible force.

He is without a doubt my soul mate. And I'll love him until i die.
December 7th, 2011 at 05:57pm