Engagement broken sad face

My engagement is no more. My girlfriend/fiance or however you spell it broke it with me.

I'm not going to lie it hurts.

We've been on and off, more on though the last four years.

She said its b/c shes having a mental breakdown, but what she does not realize is I have emotional breakdowns all the time b/c of my social anxiety and where I work.

But to do it through a text is what hurt. Shes not with me right now so can you at least call?

Nope. Text.

I am beyond upset.

It makes me feel unwanted, and unloved....


My bestfriends say I should pawn/sell the ring she gave me.

I don't know though. She wants me to keep it to remind she 'still loves me'

Bull, shes put me through hell and back again for her three times, and I always accept her back even though she claims she does not deserve me.

My friends agree. They say she hurt me to many times, and i'm just to nice.

I'm starting to think I am.

But as Shizuru said on YYH: When some things seem to good to be true thats usually b/c its actually evil and wants to break your heart.

Oh well, i'll attempt to get over it.
December 8th, 2011 at 10:51am