That awkward moment when... / My wonderful day / Questions

I hate when people say that. One of my friends says it 24/7, and it gets on my nerves. So, just to be a hypocrite, I'm going to make a list of all of my awkward moments of the day.

That awkward moment when... you wake up on a Friday and think to yourself, "I can't believe it's Monday!!!"
That awkward moment when... you practically fall out of bed... when your bed is a loft that is 6 feet above the ground.
That awkward moment when... you don't notice that you were too tired to realize that your jeans were on backward until you were already in school.
That awkward moment when... your friends have to tell you that your jeans are backwards.
That awkward moment when... it's your 3rd year in Latin, and you forget the word for "Yes."
That awkward moment when... your Latin teacher of 3 years, along with the rest of your class, has to tell you how to say "Yes."
That awkward moment when... you say "Yes, my Math teacher isn't here!" just to find that his wife passed away last night.
That awkward moment when... you're still kind of glad that your teacher isn't here, but make him a card anyway.
That awkward moment when... you accidentally write "Get well soon" on the card.
That awkward moment when... you are the only person in the class to NOT misspell their own name... (this was in an honors level class).
That awkward moment when... you are the one person in the class who doesn't understand the sexual jokes in Romeo and Juliet.
That awkward moment when... the teacher asks your best guy friend to explain it to you.
That awkward moment when... the two of you start laughing, and the teacher says, "Joe, how hard is it to say that the "naked weapon" was his d*ck, and that he was going to rape the maids?"
That awkward moment when... it still takes you a minute to get it.
That awkward moment when... five minutes later, you say "OHHHHHHH, I GET IT NOW!"
That awkward moment when... you get an AP Bio test and you accidentally studied the wrong material.
That awkward moment when... your friend taps your shoulder and says "This is how 90% of rapes start." (that was not supposed to be offensive to rape victims... I don't know how she thought of that.)
That awkward moment when... you get home, and the rest of your day is pretty boring.
1. How was your day?
2. Has any of this ever happened to you?
December 10th, 2011 at 12:07am