comment swap+ questions

I'm going to be blunt, nothing special or interesting happened today... I justbwant to comment swap.

The rules are simple, comment here telling me what to comment on of yours or I'll either think you're a generous commenter or I'll return the favor on whatever I choose. You comment mine first because that's only fair... and I wont be cheated. Don't get me wrong, I trust you mibba, it just only takes one time for the trust to dissappear

One Day You'll Know: One Chapter.
Summary:A journal is all McKinley has to keep herself alive for her daughter once she's gone and saying goodbye doesn't always mean letting go.

Ballad of a Cat Lady: Drabble.
Summary:Its hard to imagine yourself dying alone. A scary thought really, to believe whole-heartedly that your only true companion in life is a furry four-legged creature that can't even talk.

Winter Weather: Drabble.
Summary:Winter weather means more than snow and many layers of clothing, its a time for closeness and being with loved ones. Winter weather is perfect for snuggling up with the one you love.

Madame Batty: Drabble.
Summary: Madame Batty is what they call her and without her glasses she can see nothing.

^^ That's all I'm offering, so take your pick. :)

1. Did you have a nice day?
2. Have any good video games?
3. Random fact about yourself?
4. Want to swap?
December 10th, 2011 at 05:21am