December, 09, 1991

I was born into this world! and I can't believe I'm already 20 years in. I hate to admit it but time really does fly by unexpectedly. I am no longer a teenager, no longer a child, I am a certified ADULT! [although not yet legal to drink in every country across the world]. The best part about it though is that I feel as old as I am. I didn't feel 19, but for some reason I feel 20. And what surprised me more was the amount of birthday wishes I got on Facebook this year [not that facebook is my life or anything >.> ] but I remember not getting many last year.
I didn't get to blow out candles on a cake, because my mommy made me pumpkin pie instead <3 and it was delicious! But what should I do on my second day as an adult? My rebel years are over and I checked off my last few rebellious things on my bucket list when I was 19...

1. Get a Facial piercing [which now I have 3... my lower lip, and two on my nostril]
2. Get a guy to buy me drinks all night a the bar [not really rebellious but I always wanted to see if I could do it =P ]
3... well... I don't even have a number three come to think of it HAHAH! [I'm pathetic]

but now that I'm 20, I'm going to leave those childhood memories in my mind and plot a new course... funny how we grow up so fast... soon I'll find myself,

1. Looking for an apprenticing job
2. Looking for an apartment to rent on my own, back in my home town with my family [I wanted to get away so bad, but ow that I'm gone I want to be closer]
3. STILL attempting to get my license [got my G1, now gotta PRACTICE!]
4. Pay back my $10, 000 loan somehow
5. GO TO ITALY with my mommy =P

so my questions for you!

1. How old are you, and do you feel your age?
2. What's the weather like where you are? [it snowed on my birthday, that was nice]
3. got any plans for the weekend?
4. what crazy rebellious things have you yet to do before you're too old?
5. What is your greatest internet addiction?
6. What is your favorite colour, and
7. if you are of age, what is your favorite alcoholic drink [need some ideas because I want to try new drinks tonight =P ]
December 10th, 2011 at 02:33pm