In need of patience

I have had a very short fuse today, and its only 1pm. My dog Miko has been driving me insane with his constant craziness, wishing my husband would take him out for a run like he said he would. I should've done my laundry last night, now I'm waiting around forever for it to get done and I have stuff I need to do. So I'm irritated at myself for that. My cat keeps trying to attack the roll of paper towels as well. Can I catch a break please?

Any ways, in a few hours I'm going to my friend's 5 year old birthday party. I love kids so hopefully it'll put me in a better mood. I bought him this little crayola book bag that comes with crayons, chalk, markers, stamps, and a mini sketch book. And also a 'practice your ABC's and 123's' book. I think all of this is a very suitable 5 year old present. I also made him a birthday card in Photoshop. He adores Mario and Luigi, so I made him a card themed around that, and he can also color it in ^.^

Starting at 10 tonight, military gets free bowling ALL NIGHT until 4am, and they're serving free pancakes and other stuff in the morning. I am so excited!!

Countdown to next air base : 327 days (:
December 10th, 2011 at 03:17pm