Does it really seem that bad?

I'm 18 years old... I'm about to finish my very first semester of college... I'm just barely starting out in this world and taking care of myself. My boyfriend keeps saying the word "forever." Normally, I guess girls would be excited and happy, but I'm gettin' kinda worried. It kinda freaks me out. I don't even know what I'm going to be doing tomorrow, let alone twenty years from now. I'm not sure who I am or if I'm the kind of person that has a "forever" with one person. He is a very big part of my life, this much is true, but I don't want to be thinking of my entire life summed up to one person.
We're just kids, why would we be thinking about such a long time with one person? What if we hold on to that idea and nothing comes of it? Wouldn't it be that much more difficult to let go and find someone else? I have a lot to do in my life. I have the world to see and everything to learn. Would I even have time for someone in my life? What happens when I need time for myself, and he lives with me? Where do I go? Every other text is "I love you." I want to have a conversation again. I want to be able to hang out without having to hold hands or touch again. I don't want to be lovers all the time. I want to be friends, too. I miss how it used to be. I had my space, and he had his. I feel like he's sped it all up way too fast.
I mean... I want time to have fun and explore whatever it is I'm supposed to explore. I don't know what I want in life. That word bothers me. Even when my best friend says that she's too dependent and attached to me... I just freak out, and I back up. I withdraw from the relationship, because I don't want that type of commitment yet. I'm far from ready for that. I become short and harsh. I guess I've always been this way, but it's gotten worse lately. I like my space, and I prefer to keep my distance from people. I like the kind of relationship where you can breathe on your own, but when it comes down to it, you can depend on one another.
I'm not the kind of girl who likes to be around one person for too long. I get the feeling of being smothered, and I get really irritated. How am I supposed to be married when I can't deal with someone for more than a certain amount of time? I can't live with them. I'll go crazy. I'm thinking that maybe I'm not meant for the forever type of life. Maybe I'm meant for the gypsy life, traveling the world and seeing things from another point of view.
Maybe I'm supposed to be the one who visits a different county and decides to just buy a house on impulse and make a new life there. Who says that it's unethical or unhealthy to live on an impulse once in a while? Who says it isn't healthy to do it alone? What's so wrong with wanting to save myself, instead of waiting on some idiot prince to come when it's too late? I don't want to be desperate for a life change when it's way too late for me. I want to live my life day to day, just enjoying everything that comes up to bat. I want that challenge to make it on my own, not the comfort that I won't have to do anything alone in my life.
December 11th, 2011 at 04:40am