I Don't Speak German, But I Can If You'd Like.

Lady Gaga is the shit.

She's so amazing.

Her music makes me wanna shake my bony, white ass like nobody's biz-nass.
Like seriously. It's the bomb-shizzle in my drizzle, making my body fizzle.

I want to, like, touch her. Her hand. Hold it. In mine. And tell her that she's motherfucking inspirational like no other. She makes me want to be somebody.

She also makes me wish my mumma would tell me things when I was young.


LG reference. BTW reference. Lol. I'm one funny motherfucker.

I'm going to post another poem. You should go read that one too.
Not now.
But soon.
Like today.
Like Sunday, today.
Because it's Sunday where I am. You don't know where I am. Ha.
December 11th, 2011 at 08:06am