December, 2011

Hello, my darling readers (however many are still left, that is)
I have just a few points to touch on, and lets hope this journal entry doesn't become a short story.

First, i would like to thank every single one of you for reading, subscribing and commenting on my stories. You guys have made me believe in myself, and i thank you for that. To be honest, i don't really think I'm a good writer, although i've had people like english teachers, friends and college professors tell me that i've got talent. I'd personally like to thank each and every one of you for telling me that I'm good, because it really does help.

Second, i'd like to apologize for the lack of updates or rather- anything happening on my mibba. I'm currently a senior in high school, and not only have i been busy with college applications, scholarships and the life of being a senior, but i've also been juggling nine classes. Five at my high school, two at the college and two AP online classes. I've been bogged down with a tremendous amount of homework, and because of that, its hard to get any writing time in. When i do manage time, i'm just so exhausted from life, that i simply take a nap or read some of ya'lls wonderful stories.

Third, i'm not quite sure where Feelings of Elation is going at this point. I've been working on it for a year and a half, and i've lost my passion for it. When i first started writing Feelings, i was at a point in my life that i am not proud of. I was a different person then, and since, i've undergone some emotional changes which has made me change my way i view Feelings. I know, it sounds stupid, but i just don't feel the connection. The thing is, i almost don't want to put it on indefinite hiatus, simply because so many of you are subscribed to it. I want to continue it for you, for all of you, but i feel that if i do, i'll ruin anything i had planned for it. So for now, i will not be writing any more chapters for Feelings. If any of you would like to read the final chapter that i wrote when i first started the story, please feel free to message me and i'll send you a link.

Fourth, if you really do love me, and my stories, i would really love it if you read Ryston. I'm emotionally attached to the characters, so much to the point that i'm starting to have dreams about them. I've put all my heart into Ryston, and i actually do plan on finishing it. There are a slow amount of updates, mostly due to the sheer size of each chapter (nearly 10,000 words each!). So, if you'd like to continue reading my stuff, i'd really love it if you read Ryston. Or at least, give me some sort of opinion on what you think about it. No, it won't stop me from writing about them, but it will give me some insight on what you think of my babies.

Again, i would like to thank all of you for being here and helping me realize some aspirations of mine. I'll probably be going to college for journalism, getting my masters in publication and my doctorate in English Literature! Please, if you have any questions, objections, or pleasent notes, please feel free to shoot me a message or leave a comment below.

On the topic of Wheels- my co-author is no longer on mibba, thus, i'm kinda in search of a new one. So if anyone is interested in helping me co-write Wheels, i would absolutely love that!

Happy holidays!
December 12th, 2011 at 04:11am