
I think I can; I think I can; I think I can.

There's a light at the end of the tunnel, Mibba, but it's still dim. Tomorrow is my last day of classes for the semester, and by Monday night I'll be at home. It just doesn't seem possible right now. How is so much going to change in such a short amount of time?

Right now, I'm sitting with so much work, I feel as though I should have weeks, no days, to do it. An essay test on Friday means no rest for me on our days off. And then, I've got a final that consists of two prewritten essays, one of which is done, while the other has only an intro. Those aren't difficult, but they need to be done. After that, focus turns to an online final; multiple choice, but on a subject I never care to really engross myself in. Then, I've got the English final, which I'm pretty much going to wing as I can't go back and reread everything we've done in the semester as prep.

So, really, my main source of anxiety is the essay test. Those of you that don't know what that is (my jealously of you is too large to put into words), I'll explain: Your teacher has you write an in class essay the day of the test, and your only aid comes from prewritten notes and outlines. Seems pretty easy until you realize you don't know which question you're getting on the test. With my teacher, we'll have something like five questions to plan for, and on the test, he'll only use one. So, basically, I have to mentally write five essays for this test.

I know it won't be all that bad when I just sit down and work, but my time is so structured right now, my brain isn't cooperating.

As for the two essays that need to be done for Saturday, one is done, and needs to be entirely rewritten, while the other is just being started. I've finally finished all of the readings for the second, and so I just need to get around to writing it. My fear with these isn't that I won't get them done on time, it's that they won't be written very well.

Oh well. There are some positives to finals week, actually. Namely, pet therapy. Our campus throws this huge relaxation extravaganza each finals week to help people take a break and destress for a bit. This involves coloring, massages, and furry little animals that are too adorable to be stressed around. Tonight, there's one pet therapy in the basement of the hall I live in, while Thursday, the big extravaganza takes place.

On top of that, my roommate is awesome in that, we both love to be distracted by board games. Add movies and candy into that mix, and I'm sure by Monday when I get home, I'll be exhausted, sick from sugar and caffeine, and thoroughly ready for my month long break.


How's the holiday break (and the prelude to that break) going for everyone else?
Back to writing essays,
December 13th, 2011 at 08:18pm