Hello Mibba, My Brain Has Melted

Ugh finals!


I took the first final of the year today and my brain now feels like mush inside my head. I had no idea what was going on! I mean it was a comp and speech class, wall we did was give speches and write lame paraghraps! How am I suposed to know anything on a true false test.

I mean we had to answer questions about random overheads from the start of term. What the heck!

I am pretty sure I failed.


And since everyone else and their aunts seem to be whoring out their lame (oh almost swore there) stories I thought I should whore mine out too.

It is called Groupthink, it is slash (duh gay boys like gay things, also I have no idea how straight people sex works) and it involves drugs, crazy people, and lots of sex. Well none of that yet since it is just a prologue, but you should all go read it because you love me.

Go forth my lovely mibbians and tell me what you think!
December 13th, 2011 at 11:05pm