Boy drama.

Boys are so stupid sometimes. So this guy that I started texting and talking to (he was new to the school and our group of friends) well we started flirting. We started talking around the end of October. We flirted all through November and into the beginning of this month. During that month or so, he tried to get me to kiss him, told me I was 'basically his girlfriend', and we said 'I love you' about 6 or 7 times a day. I really did love him. It was as a best friend at first, and then it started growing into something more. Then, we didn't get to text for a week because his phone was taken away. He got his phone back on Saturday and he texted me. He told me he liked my friend Jessica! So I was like "what happened to this past month?"

I told Jessica I liked him and so she was denying him, but he was so persistent. I finally told her to just go out with him (she liked him too) just so he'll shut up. That was last Wednesday. He asked her out after school Thursday. They hung out all of Friday. I had the weekend to think about it and I was still sad, since I liked him so much.

Then, on Monday, Jessica was absent because she was feeling really bad. It was cold and rainy that day. I got all the way to lunch without anything weird happening. Then, at lunch, he was all over me! He was hugging on me, and I was hugging back kind of, but I felt really awkward so I pushed him away after a minute. I gave one of my friends an awkward facial expression after the hug and she laughed. I mean, I was going in for a quick, friendly hug and he was going in for a long hug. And that isn't the end of it! We went in to a classroom for lunch because it was way too cold outside and all of us girls were sitting on the counter seeing as it was a science lab, and there was plenty of space for him to sit in between two of my friends, but he made the friend next to me move over so he could sit next to me. Plus, he was leaning into me and made me hold his binder. So I was like "uh o:" Then he wanted to go get some more food or something, and he asked me and I said no. So he went with one of our guy friends named Jamal and he was like "at least someone loves me." I just kept quiet. When he got back I think he realized what he was doing because he was a little distant (either that or he was mad at me). So when the bell rang I walked out with him behind me and we both started heading in the directions of our classes which are the same way and he was joking around just like old times when he'd walk me to class. I decided I wasn't going to let him walk me all the way so I gave him a quick hug and basically booked it after my friend.

Later on that night I told Jessica what happened and she was super mad. He called her and they were talking on the phone and she said "someone told me they saw you flirting with someone today" and he was like "who?" and she was like "I don't know her name" and he was like "What some people call flirting I call messing around. Besides, I was with Jose all day." So he lied to her about hanging out with us and flirting. So I don't know what she did, she said she was going to confront him at school, but I don't think she saw much of him because he's in band and our band is about to have the winter concert.

I'm over him now, thank god, because I don't want to have a flirt like that in my life for anything other than maybe a friend.

Anyways, question time!
1. Do you think he was flirting?
2.What should she do about him?
December 14th, 2011 at 05:19pm